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The Agile Brand Guide: Generative AI

by Greg Kihlström

In this latest book in the best sellingAgile Brand Guideseries, the successful planning, implementation, and optimization of Generative AI-based tools and platforms is explored.The Agile Brand Guide: Generative AIby best selling author Greg Kihlström gives marketing professionals a solid overview of the space in a short guide format. The book features a foreword by Bernadette Nixon, CEO of Algolia, plus contributions from thought leaders at Optimizely, Pega, Infinum, and other companies at the forefront of generative AI.

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House of the Customer

by Greg Kihlström

"Required Reading"—Destination CRM

Drawing on Greg Kihlström’s experience working with top organizations, as well as dozens of interviews with Fortune 500 customer experience leaders and industry-leading platform marketing technology executives and thought leaders for this book and his podcast,The Agile Brand with Greg Kihlström, the blueprint to achieve a customer-centric, sustainable platform for growth is made tangible.

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Priority is Action

by Greg Kihlström

Our priorities are what we do not what we say we’d like to do. This premise forms the foundation ofPriority is Action: 7 Principles for Better Strategies, Decisions, and Outcomes. In this twentieth book from best-selling author Greg Kihlström, readers are given a reality check on the difference between a strategic priority and business realities. The book is centered around seven principles that separate leading organizations from laggards, and the mindsets and ideals that make the difference between achieving important goals and getting mired in bureaucracy, groupthink, and a focus on the wrong things at the wrong times.

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